29. Juni bis 1. Juli 2022: Para-Colonial – Colonial – Post-Colonial. Influences and Transactions in the Architecture of Oceania (1840-1990)
29. Juni bis 1. Juli 2022: Para-Colonial – Colonial – Post-Colonial. Influences and Transactions in the Architecture of Oceania (1840-1990)
Bei der von Michael Falser (TU München) und Christoph Schnoor (Unitec Institute, Univ. of Auckland) veranstalteten Tagung mit dem Titel „Para-colonial – Colonial – Post-Colonial: Influences and Transactions in the Architecture of Oceania (1840-1990) halte ich einen Vortrag mit dem Titel „From Godeffroy to Hernsheim. German Corporate and Residential Architecture in the South Seas in the Colonial Period and its Reception in Germany of the Time„
Mein Vortrag wird am Mittwoch, den 29. Juni 2022 um 8.30pm (NZ-time) in der Session 2 (German Colonialism in the Südsee and its Encounters (1884-1914)) stattfinden.
Alle Details zu dieser Fachtagung finden Sie auf der Webpage für diese Veranstaltung: https://architectureofoceania.com
Die Convenors dieser speziellen Fachtagung sind ausgewiesene Experten ihres Faches:
Michael FALSER, Project Leader and Adjunct Professor at the Chair of Architectural History, Technical University Munich (Germany) is an art and architectural historian and cultural heritage specialist. In his current research project, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), he investigates the architectural impact of the German-colonial era (c.1880-1920) between Africa, East Asia and Oceania (Project Homepage). Email: michael.falser@tum.de
He edited the themed volume “Global Spaces of German Colonialism” in German art history journal Kunstchronik (July 2021, ToC here). Currently, an exhibition project with catalogue publication is planned for April 2023 with a focus on published primary sources about the architectural impact during the German-colonial period (CfP here).
Other publication projects include Angkor Wat. A Transcultural History of Heritage (2 vols, Berlin: DeGruyter, 2020) and Habsburgs going Global. The Austro-Hungarian Concession of Tientsin/Tianjin in China (1902-1917) (forthcoming Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna).
Christoph SCHNOOR, Associate Professor, Unitec Institute of Technology (Auckland, New Zealand). He has taught at Unitec in Auckland since 2004, in the subjects of history, theory, heritage & conservation, studio and research methods. Research Leader at the School of Architecture (Webpage). One of his research areas is German colonial architecture, as well as colonial and customary architecture, with focus on Samoa. Publications include a Conservation Plan for the protection of the Courthouse in Apia, 2012, and “Imagery or Principles of the Pacific?” in Fabrications, the journal of SAHANZ, 2016. Email: cschnoor@unitec.ac.nz
His research further focuses on history, historiography and theory of modernist architecture, such as Le Corbusier; Austrian émigré architect to New Zealand, Ernst Plischke; US-British historian Colin Rowe. Recently published: Le Corbusier’s Practical Aesthetic of the City (London: Routledge, 2020); Ernst A. Plischke – Architekt zwischen den Welten (Zurich: Park Books, 2020).